Friday, January 28, 2011

Causes and such of the Cold War

I don't think you can say that the US was to blame over the USSR, or vice versa. I think they were both equally to blame. There was obviously some tension between these two countries during WWII, especially if one believes, as I do, that a huge reason for the US to bomb Japan was so they themselves could defeat Japan and not have the Soviet Union in on it. Also so they could demonstrate their power to the Soviet Union. (However, I would say that the bombing of Japan was also a huge contributing factor to the Cold War, and thus shows how the US contributed to starting the Cold War.) The tensions over the division of Germany also contributed to the Cold War. And neither one did anything to stop it once it started; the US kept trying to take over third world countries to set up a democracy that failed and ended up causing a ton of problems in the future, while the USSR did the same thing with other third world countries only they tried to set up a communist government, which in the shortrun was more successful than democracy but at the same time caused huge problems that only fueled the Cold War and in the longrun, "true" communism has never been entirely successful anyway, so they all ended up failing. (And look who ended up failing in the end? The Russians. So I'd say that's another example of how communism doesn't really work. But that's really besides the point.) Some social causes of the Cold War were the incredible fear that existed in democratic countries that communism would spread and eventually take over the world or something. Everyone feared communism. That leads us to a more political cause - how communism's main goal was to spread, while during the Cold War the main goal of democracy was to prevent the spread of communism. That was the main cause of the Cold War.

1 comment:

  1. I think that it is unfair to say that Communisms only goal was to spread, yet Democracy was only trying to stop the spread of Communism. I think that both nations wanted their own form of government to spread equailly.
